Getting Comfortable with the Uncomfortable

Bailey McConnell, MFTI on Jul 28, 2022 in Mood and Feelings

Let’s face it: The different things in life and the unknown often make us feel anxious and uncomfortable. As a response to the fear and uncomfortable, we avoid and turn away from these feelings. When we do this, we are unconsciously cutting off parts of ourselves we have yet to discover and learn more about. We are limiting ourselves to the known and distancing ourselves from the new potential version of ourselves. You might be thinking, "Okay, that makes sense, but how do I embrace this change when it is so terrifying and threatening?" Listed below are some techniques to be more comfortable with the uncomfortable.

1. Take it in baby steps: Change can be awful because it happens all at once. Taking small steps to embrace the new change is a more manageable way to deal with change. Don’t feel that you have to accept this change right away; it will take time to get used to this new normal.

2. Take a moment to recognize how the change or unknown is making you feel or act. When we become more in tune with our inner thoughts, feelings, and needs, we become better able to understand why we are feeling this way. The first step to becoming more attune is being more intentional about how you feel in that moment and why you are feeling that way. This might look like journaling how you are feeling or taking a moment to meditate.

3. Take a moment to tell yourself you are doing the best you can with what you know. We often beat down and degrade ourselves for not knowing what we didn’t know or couldn’t do. Allowing yourself the moment to be grateful for what you could do creates a new compassionate relationship with yourself. Sometimes we need that gentle hand to guide us and make us feel more confident. This might look like taking a moment to come up with a gratitude list.

4. Try to keep it positive. Keep focused on what positives this new change might bring about. This new change might be a way for you to grow and change into a better person.

5. Stay connected with your support. When we start to feel comfortable, we will often turn to what feels comfortable in other areas of our life. Keeping close to your support can make you feel more secure and grounded with what you do know. Lean on your support to guide you through this change and keep you on the right path.

Remember: You can get through this, and soon this uncomfortable will become a part of your new comfortable. You can do it! If you need more support, feel free to reach out for professional aid. We are here to assist you through your journey.

For more resources, read:

Donovan, M. (2006). Richard Tuttle and the Comfort of the Unknown. American Art, 20(2), 102-125.

Bailey McConnell is a Addictions Counselor in Tampa, FL.

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