Emily Sanchez
Licensed Master of Social Work, LMSWI am a licensed therapist at Glass Psychotherapy who believes in the power of therapy to facilitate lasting, meaningful change.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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You’re there when everyone else needs you but feel stuck and anxious when it comes to doing things for yourself. Your cup is often empty and you know what will help but the guilt and fear of disappointing others gets in the way. You know your needs should matter but you have a hard time believing it. When you do finally get the time, you’re often not sure how to spend it with yourself so you stay busy. You’re tired, ready to finally invest time in yourself and make a change.
My clients and I work together to navigate through mental health challenges and transitions in life. I specialize in working with people with gender dysphoria and those in the process of transition. Furthermore, I help my clients navigate issues related to racial identity and minority experiences. I work with various relationship types and forms, non-monogamy included.
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I've worked with people from many walks of life. I have worked with and welcome artists, creative thinkers, those on the autism spectrum, LGBTQIA+ folks, as well as those who practice polyamory. I enjoy working with those who struggle to live as their authentic selves, helping to find the path to living your truth. Without authenticity, we can struggle fitting into boxes and shapes that just don't fit. Can I help you be more you?
Our clients are motivated to change their behaviors and circumstances and work hard to create progress through practice of new skills. We work with single-event and complex trauma, dissociation, and personality/interpersonal difficulties as well as more general mental health conditions. Our clients are usually between the ages of 18 and 50 but some clinicans work with younger and older clients. We are LGBTQ+ friendly, multi-culturally aware, and sex positive.