Matthew Cuellas
Mental Health Counselor, MHC-LPYou're not alone. Let's work together to find your path to healing.
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I have a passion for helping individuals, couples, and families navigate their mental health journeys. If we work together, I will strive to help you connect with your core, centered self such that you can make decisions and take actions from a healthy, confident, calm and curious place vs. from a frustrated, angry, depressed or anxious place. I work with clients struggling with anxiety, depression and other common life issues, and with caregivers of children struggling with EDs or other issues.
My patients are quite often those who feel 'stuck' in specific patterns or routines that feel endless and challenging to overcome. Some also are specifically seeking a psychoanalytic approach, and want a traditional Lacanian or Freudian frame in facilitating this approach. Patients who wish to examine the subjective structures that determine one's experience of the world in order to gain a stronger sense of agency in pursuit of their desire.
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