Adriana Vela Flores
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPCOver 7 years of experience in the counseling field. I look forward to the opportunity to work with you!
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Most of my clients are wanting to experience greater intimacy, safety, trust, and emotional connection. However, problems arise when major events, such as infidelity or trauma, undermine trust or our ability to connect. Most commonly, clients get caught by negative reciprocal patterns that keep them feeling stuck. I help clients to understand these patterns, have meaningful conversations in session, and regain the connection necessary to overcome past hurts.
Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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Too often we encounter stress and challenges in our lives that we struggle to meet and resolve in healthy and constructive ways. As a result, we can become isolated and lonely, panicked, and anxious by stress or circumstance that threaten to overwhelm us, or sometimes just “stuck” and unsatisfied. Perhaps our old ways of coping with life are no longer as helpful as they once were. We may feel unhappy with ourselves, where we are, and the things we do.
The overwhelm and whirlwind of anxiety in your body and finding peace or clarity over the restless thoughts that won't let you sleep is seemingly impossible. You recognize the need for change, yet the pace is relentless, and taking a moment to breathe feels impossible. Handling problems on your own is your super power, but this time it's not working. It's time for a new approach that tackles the root causes. It's possible to face your emotions head-on and work toward resolution.