About My Clients
Have anxious thoughts become overwhelming and led you to doubt yourself and your decisions? Maybe it’s tough to get out of a bed in the morning, or you keep pushing and striving, but have difficulty accessing a sense of fulfillment and peace? Maybe you feel like you’re always giving to and pleasing others, but don’t ever feel nourished and “filled up” yourself? Therapy is a great way to get support in navigating the daily challenges of life, but also the bigger and more long-term struggles.
My Background and Approach
Amy works with individuals, couples, children, and teens, and provides a supportive and grounded space to help you navigate challenging life transitions or past life events that are impacting your day-to-day quality of your life. Specializations include: - Working with women navigating major life transitions around career, relationships, sexuality, grief and loss, and/or parenting - Supporting children, teens, and adults that identity as neurodivergent, highly sensitive, gifted, and/or on the autism spectrum. - Supporting victims healing from narcissistic abuse - Supporting individuals navigating depression and anxiety from daily life stressors as well as clients that have symptoms stemming from PTSD or CPTSD.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
A teacher of mine says "self regulation is at the core of all that I do and I return to it over and over again." When we've experienced challenging childhoods, trauma in our adult lives, or even challenges in day-to-day life, it's difficult to find a sense of self-regulation, meaning feeling grounded, present, and alive in our bodies. Like many therapists, I started to understand the power of therapy when I started seeing my own therapist over a decade ago. I noticed changes almost immediately in the amount of emotional and mental bandwidth I had to take on any given day. I noticed changes in my ability to focus and to take on daily challenges with more ease and grace. I also discovered what was motivating me in life, which helped bring me into greater alignment with my calling and purpose. I want to support others in experiencing a greater sense of aliveness, purpose, and vitality as well. It truly is possible.