About My Clients
My clients are willing to try things and go down unfamiliar paths, even if they feel anxious. My clients are queer and trans and they're probably into astrology. My clients are adults who are finally free to embrace who they are after being told who they should be their whole lives. My clients are burned out at their jobs and are ready to set stronger boundaries around their time. They're college students who are capable yet overwhelmed and just need some validation and reassurance.
My Background and Approach
I am a Licensed Professional Counselor with 5 years of combined experience in university counseling centers and private practice settings. My background is in person-centered theory, and I lean into the power of the counseling relationship itself to have a dramatic effect on your healing and growth. I like to call myself a relational counselor, and I mostly say that to mean I like to use the counseling relationship to show you how you can develop a more compassionate relationship with your own self. In addition to my general relational approach, I specialize in Dreamwork approaches. I have witnessed the profound ways dreams can help us grow when we examine them with open curiosity. In counseling, I can guide you in re-experiencing your dreams to achieve various outcomes, ranging from alleviating distress from disturbing nightmares to expressing emotions that don't tend to come out in your waking life. Dreamwork can be the sole reason you work with me or can supplement other goals.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
If you've wanted to get counseling but are worried you may experience judgment for who you are or the topics you want to discuss, I'm probably the counselor for you. I counsel in Texas where so many counselors are Christian, and I've unfortunately seen so many counselors try to push Christianity onto their clients against their will. I try to be extremely intentional about offering these clients a corrective or healing experience in counseling. I want all my clients to feel empowered in our relationship to talk about all parts of their life openly. This includes my Wiccan clients, my pagan clients, my polyamorous clients, my clients who read Tarot and study Astrology, my atheist or agnostic clients, and my kinky clients (you may contain several of these identities!). I experience it as a praticularly great honor when my clients trust me enough to share about something as intimately personal as their spiritual beliefs and practices in counseling.