About My Clients
Sometimes we need an extra brain to bounce things off of, a man to connect with, a nonjudgmental person to listen, a healer to heal our emotional pain, or a trained professional to teach us some new tools once we've exhausted those in our toolbox. That's what I'm here for. The men I help typically have one or more of the following going on: life transition, relationship struggles, emotional overwhelm, work dissatisfaction, anxiety, addiction, anger, depression, ADHD, or existential crisis.
My Background and Approach
Dad was a Vietnam Vet, outdoorsman, alcoholic, and present but troubled father who was killed in a hunting accident when I was 7. Mom is a loving, shy, moral, but passive and anxious woman who has always made family her top priority. My experiences with them plus my struggle to find myself as a man, inner torment, enthusiastic zest for life, and need to help others overcome suffering all mixed together and called me to this work. I've overcame addiction, grief, paralyzing anxiety and loneliness, meaninglessness, relationship and communication problems, and more on my healing journey. Those insights, plus years of work in mental health, intensive graduate training, a decade in private practice with hundreds of clients, and my unending passion for helping each unique client all serve me in my service to you. I blend cognitive, somatic, experiential, humanistic, and existential therapies in my work. Clients describe my style as casual yet profound, challenging but warm.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe we have one life to live. I want to make the most of it! That means heal the past, identify my needs and wants, and figure out the most effective ways to satisfy those needs and wants. It means finding peace despite dissatisfactoriness and discomfort. It means balancing external conquest and rewards with internal contentment and humility. I believe we evolved to be in close connection with nature, ourselves, and one another and that the disintegration of those connections has wounded us. I believe that we are inherently healthy, whole, and happy, and that to experience those states is a matter of unloading, cleaning out, or stopping some maladaptive way of doing things. The truth is inside of you, and sometimes we need others to help us bring that beautiful truth to surface and encourage us to live up to it.