About My Clients
If you're here, you may be feeling worn down or uncertain. You may find that you tend to give of yourself to the point of feeling burnt out. You may find that you keep repeating relationship patterns that leave you feeling unloved. You may find that you feel lonely, even when you are with people. You may be thinking you're not feeling the things you're "supposed" to feel. If you are ready to make a shift, and to feel more at peace with where you are in life, I'm happy to work with you on that.
My Background and Approach
I believe therapy is a human experience. In the therapy space, I tend to ask questions coming from a place of nonjudgmental curiosity, to help you sort through what feels right for you. Initially trained as a creative arts therapist, I believe that therapy is a place where we can play with ideas, and be creative in how we look at things. Therapy works best when there is trust and compassion, and the absence of shame. For that reason, I also do my best to show as an authentic human. Through a compassionate, curious place, we can begin to sort through what feels right for you. I trust that you can get to a place where you are moving more authentically, and can feel more secure in the decisions you are making. The more we can sort through the tension of the space between what you feel you "should" do, and what is right for you, the freer and more confident you will feel. Additionally, I have training in treating trauma somatically (TRM), and in parts work, which can affect true change.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe that there is room for all the parts of you, even the scary ones, or the ones you feel nervous to show. I believe the choices we make are usually trying to keep up safe (whether they are doing that in a way that serves us is another question). I believe that we have the capacity to know what's right for ourselves, even if that sometimes feels cloudy. I believe that there is room for both pain and joy in therapy, and in our lives. I believe that while there is personal autonomy, we also live in a system that holds racism, ableism, patriarchy, heteronormativity, etc. While there is room to acknowledge what power we hold, it is also important to acknowledge where we exist in those systems, and how that impacts our experience. I also believe that the more we look at and trust that we are making the decisions that feel true to us, the more empowered we feel. I believe that when two humans meet in the therapy space, there is potential for healing and growth.