About My Clients
Are you always a little on edge? Responding to your environment subconsciously, rapidly and what seemingly appears to be unprovoked? Trouble connecting to your peers socially - a perpetuating feeling of isolation and low morale or empathy? Maybe, you have trouble figuring out why you respond and interact with the world in the ways you do leading one to feel disconnected and untethered. My eclectic approaches help to build insight and deactivate nervous system responses!
My Background and Approach
[ Complex ] trauma specialist focusing on the use of EMDR | AIP theoretical models. I focus on whole person healing which also encompasses: somatic psychology, yoga, faith- based practices (when applicable and only with consent!), DBT and ego- state therapies. We don’t just focus on the mind. We take time to befriend and restore your nervous system, spirit, body and mind. My goal is not only to repair ruptures within yourself but help you to restore and revive your desire to live and desire to rebuild yourself into something stronger!
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I am a counselor that believes in continual education and growth. When we stop learning or feeling a need to learn, complacency sets in and complacency is dangerous! I believe we are all doing the best we can and when we know how to do better, we do better and be better. I am a Christian woman and I believe faith is imperative in recovery. However, I do not and will never force faith, religion or views on anyone. I am sharing my faith to provide full transparency about myself only in hopes of supplying a safe space for my clients. My faith and beliefs do not influence my work with patients - of any subgroup or demographic. At the core of my faith is the belief of connection over correction. To water this down more: I believe relationships, wellness, safety and connection are of utmost importance despite sexuality preferences, race, culture, gender or religion. I promise that my space is and always will be all inclusive. You will always have full choice & control in my healing room!