About My Clients
Have you ever had behaviors that tends to show up in the form of loneliness, frustration, betrayal, isolation, fear, and shame. I know exactly what you're feeling: the waiting for the other shoe to drop if something seems too good to be true, or it might show up in your belief that someone new in your life is going to betray you in the same way as someone from your past did. Childhood wounds can be terrifying, that shows up in your adult behaviors. Talk therapy can reduce those behaviors.
My Background and Approach
The tools that I 'll provide you with are tools that I have been practicing during my career helping people heal just like you. My goal is for you to learn four different tools to help you understand why your adult behaviors stems from your childhood. My therapeutic approach is person-centered and building rapport and trust with you. We'll start with what's going on in the moment and how to understand your thoughts and behaviors, especially your emotions. We'll discuss the 4 primary childhood wounds that we struggle with: Trust, Worth, Safety, and Attachments. We'll discuss why it happens and how to get back in touch with yourself so you can quickly regain your resilience. We'll work together to address moments of anxiety, depression, OCD, including irrational thoughts, and grief. Your gain confidence so that these challenges won't continue in the future. We'll also learn how to use grounding skills for anxiety and depression with breathing and muscle relaxation techniques.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe that everyone can heal from their past and grow in time, some takes longer than others. I also believe there is a root cause or triggers to every situation. I think that mental health was developed to help undo unhealthy learned behaviors, weather learned from their parents or sibling. I suffered from abandonment issues as a child that caused me anxiety, and depression. Through my own therapy, I learned how to understand by adult behaviors, that caused me my anxiety. I then started working with incarcerated women, to help them understand their adult behaviors, values, and to know "Who Am I " by reframing their identity. I am an active member of helping women and men with addictions, and abuse. I volunteer with helping ex-felons re-enter back into their community by teaching life skills. I support various programs, and shelters in the community. If you want to learn more about how I can help you, sent me a message, and I would be glad to chat with you.