Melissa Sornik, MSW, LCSW, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Sea Cliff, NY

Melissa Sornik (she/her)

Accepting Clients

I provide therapy and support to gifted and twice-exceptional individuals through a comprehensive, holistic approach to treatment.

Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Sea Cliff, NY

About My Clients

I primarily work with neurodivergent clients, with a specialization in those who are gifted and twice-exceptional. I work with children, teens, and adults using a holistic approach that includes family and community as needed.

My Background and Approach

I started working in the area of giftedness and twice-exceptionality over 20 years ago and have been working as a therapist in this area for 17 years. I received my Masters of Social Work with a specialization in Children and Families from Fordham University in 2007 and am currently a practicing LCSW. In the time I've been practicing, I've worked with schools, communities, and families to support gifted and twice-exceptional children, youth, and adults. I take an eclectic approach to treatment with a holistic and systemic lens of the client, using elements of ACT, CBT, Gestalt therapy, and positive psychology.

At A Glance

  • Experience: Less than a year
  • Languages: English


5167247100 Email Melissa
268 Sea Cliff Avenue, Ground Floor
Sea Cliff, NY 11579
122 West 26th Street
Suite 700
New York, NY 10001

Reach out to Melissa