About My Clients
My clients are usually men in early recovery from substance use disorders and may have a dual diagnosis of anxiety or depression.
My Background and Approach
My approach to therapy is derived from Cognitive Behavioral Therapies designed by Aaron Beck, Albert Ellis, Donald Michenbaum, and others. This will have us looking at the thoughts behind the emotions that may be leading to distress. Sometimes we have errors in our thinking that are automatic yet destructive, and it is my belief that one can benefit from learning to look at things differently. I also believe that sometimes it is helpful to look back on our lives to examine where we have come from in order to determine where we want to go.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
People make better life choices when they have adequate information and understand how something works. Often just having a safe place to "think out loud" can quickly lead to resolutions. It will not be my job to make decisions or tell you how to run your life. I will help you in the process of coming to those decisions yourself, by giving feedback and support, assigning homework, suggesting readings, and teaching you skills. There is no "magic" to make your problems disappear; this will require willingness and effort on your part, or rather a "want to" and "how to." My belief is that you are beginning one of the most exciting adventures of your life - the exploration of yourself. I consider it a privilege to join you on your journey.