Lupe Macias-Hidalgo
Licensed Professional Counselor, LACI work with LGBTQ Clients including youth, adults, couples, and families. I especially love supporting individuals in healing trauma, and I am fluent in Spanish and English.
Find therapists in Buckeye. Therapists that list their practice on TherapyDen agree to be inclusive and welcoming of all genders, races, countries of origin, sexual orientations, body sizes, religions, and abilities. Therapists promise, to the best of their abilities, to create a safe place for anyone and everyone that seeks services.
The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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Do you want to live happily, courageously and wholeheartedly? My passion is helping people live braver lives by showing up, being present and leaning into their joy. The goal is to help you develop self-compassion and become more resilient so life's challenges (which are inevitable) become easier to navigate. I aim to take you from surviving to thriving.
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Life as a busy parent, a perfect student, or a dedicated professional can get daunting. What if, we can quiet the mind, calm the emotional storm, embrace the abandoned parts? We work together to resolve trauma, crippling self-esteem, manage relationship boundaries and create a work/life balance. I support adults to overcome depression, anxiety, complex trauma and disordered personality traits. Let's reinvent existing tools to better suit your unique needs and celebrate how you have ADAPTED!
Dr. Avi focuses on providing mental health services to members of the LGBTQ+ community and those that love us. This includes allied communities such as Kink and BDSM communities. People who identify as LGBTQ+ often face struggles that cisgender heterosexual people don’t. • Coming out to parents, spouse, partner(s), children, friends, family, classmates, coworkers, community members • Dealing with discrimination or bullying • Exploring sexual orientation or gender identity
I help clients from diverse cultures, beliefs, and orientations find the hope to build a better life. Using evidence-based Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) techniques, we’ll process your emotions and heal old wounds on a neurological level. It’s time to tap into your brain’s natural healing power and start creating the future you deserve.
Are you noticing that life has been difficult to cope with issues related to anxiety, panic attacks, or major life transitions? Has there been a past or recent trauma that has you feeling stuck? Are you having a difficult time with self critical thoughts and low self-esteem? I specialize in helping you navigate these particular struggles and I am committed to walking side by side with you on your journey.
Along with issues such as anxiety, depression, trauma, life transitions, and relational challenges, including polyamory and ethical non-monogamy, I have a particular passion for serving the LGBTQIA2S+ community. In terms of broader diversity dimensions, I strive to honor the ways in which a client's, and my own, intersecting identities show up in the therapeutic space and endeavor to create a place in which every aspect of the person is welcomed.
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I work from an integrative approach, supporting clients from all walks of life including birth to five, through childhood and adolescence, into adulthood. I focus on the treatment of general mental health, trauma related problems, adjustment issues, relationships challenges, and love to support anyone interested in improving their life.
You know yourself better than anyone else – even if it doesn’t seem like it yet. I help my clients to discover (or rediscover) themselves in meaningful ways. The tools are sometimes out-of-the-box (maybe a tarot card will help you work through that difficult thought process or better understand that dysfunctional relationship), evidenced-based, and always collaborative. We’ll laugh. You’ll probably cry – but you’ll definitely feel better.
Do you find yourself reacting to things in a manner that seems disproportionate to the situation? Untreated trauma can make us feel as though we are losing control. We may fear quiet moments alone and may desperately try to distract ourselves from the pain. Traumatic experiences can cause lead to poor self-worth, substance abuse, depression, and anxiety. etc. It is a privilege to help people break free from these things.
Now Accepting United Healthcare, Blue Cross Blue Shield and Aetna-In Network Only *Accepting New Clients In-Person or Telehealth* Helping Individuals, Couples and Families to Achieve Wellness in their Lives & Heal from painful life experiences. Serving Arizona, Specializing in Addictions, Process Addictions & Mental Health Issues. Today can be the beginning of Change, “Let’s Get Started”.
Finding the right path to feeling better and healing can be challenging. As your nurse practitioner, my number one priority is YOU! We can provide appointments in a short timeframe which makes my office unique. I provide psychiatric evaluations, medication management for Anxiety, Depression, Bipolar, PTSD, OCD, ADHD, children disruptive behaviors and more.
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I love working with individual clients and couples on a wide variety of issues, but I always use an attachment and relational framework. My work with you will be tailored to your specific goals, and will become more custom to you as I begin to learn more about you and your patterns.
I welcome clients from all backgrounds and affectional orientations with an open mind, a compassionate heart and a desire to help them live a fulfilling life. I am kink-friendly and an LGBTQIA+ ally. I accept you as you are and my #1 goal is to help you on your journey to a better life. For those of you who have had negative experiences with previous therapists, I take the time to ask you about those experiences to better understand how to make the therapeutic process work for you.
Are you feeling lonely and like you don't have any one to confide in? Are you going through a life transition and not sure how to move forward? Maybe you are feeling overloaded and need help managing it. If you answered yes to any of these, then this is the right place for you! I help my client's feel heard, rediscover their power, learn how to build a community of support, and reframe narratives to make it easier to move forward in life.
My clients are unique, unusual, non-mainstream individuals... Musicians, artists, cultural creatives; neurodiverse, 2e, intellectually & creatively gifted; highly sensitive, sensory processing differences, learning differences (dyslexia, etc.), Asperger's or ASD I. People from all life paths, spiritual beliefs and cultures, including unique sub-cultures, micro-cultures and counter-cultures, such as Burners, Pagans, Waldorf & Natural Lifestyles, Gamers, Seekers, Deadheads, Orthodox faiths etc
My clients are typically struggling with issues such as depression, anxiety, gender identity, trauma, marital/relational issues, emotion regulation, pre-teen/teen stage of life issues, and parenting challenges. People who come to see me tell me they enjoy my direct approach to treatment. I understand the value of making progress towards goals, and I will do my best to help you start feeling like your life is moving in a positive direction.
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You ever feel like cocooning? You know, when you just want to shut out the world. For many it happens when relating to others feels draining, work is no longer fulfilling, or when it’s hard to feel good about anything. Life feels so heavy that it’s as if there’s no way out. This is how depression and anxiety can feel.
It’s time for you to be free from the crushing pain that has kept you from healthy relationships and a better life. You need healing and skills to face life’s most difficult situations, but your pain and fear have been so overwhelming that you don’t see a way forward. I believe you shouldn’t have to be in such pain, and I understand what it’s like to feel so hopeless. I’ve trained in advanced therapy techniques that have helped many people find hope in their darkest moments.
I thrive on working with couples and individuals who feel "stuck" in their relationship or are facing trauma, infertility, infidelity, betrayal trauma, sexual disatisfaction, stage of life hardships, retirement, fostering, adopting, and the raising of children with disabilities.