Caitlyn Dorsey
Addictions Counselor, LAC, LPCC, M.S.Caitlyn Dorsey is a Licensed Addiction Counselor, Licensed Professional Counselor Candidate, a Neuro-Linguistic Practitioner, and author.
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Imagine a version of yourself that bravely confronts the things that currently terrify you. How would it feel if the daunting monsters that creep into your thoughts at bedtime started to lose their size and power? I know what it is like to want to run from feelings that threaten to overwhelm us. Feelings like shame, sadness, anger, and fear that are often linked to traumatic memories of when we were overwhelmed and overpowered.
Are you tired of feeling anxious, insecure, depressed, distractable, ashamed, or unfulfilled? Is your relationship(s) unsatisfying or non-existent? Are you exhausted from trying to please everyone? You can change your feelings, yourself, and your life! There is hope. If you have complex problems that require complex solutions, if you need a therapist who can "keep up" with you, if you want a therapist who "gets it" and understands your specific needs, you're in the right place.
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Feeling like emotions have taken over and run the show? Feeling like this world is sometimes too much to handle? Not sure who you are or want to be? Too many stressors in your life to handle? If you are a parent, are you feeling desperate to help your teen but don't know how? All these situations can make life overwhelming, and I am here to help you explore them in more depth and teach you practical skills to manage emotions, get along better with others and build the life you want.