Christine Hardway
Licensed Clinical Social Worker, LCSWHello! I am a seasoned counselor with over 25 years experience. I have helped thousands of clients improve their quality of life!
Online Therapy
Grief and loss are a part of the human condition. Grief is typically considered to be brought on by the death of a loved one, but can also be triggered by any significant life-altering loss (such as a divorce or the loss of a job). Grief is a natural response to loss, but that doesn’t make it easy to deal with. Symptoms of grief may include sadness, loneliness, anger, denial, depression and a myriad of other thoughts and feelings. There is no “normal” amount of time for grief to pass, but if you find that your grief is not improving over time or that it is interfering with your everyday life, you may want to consider seeking professional help. A qualified grief counselor can help you to cope with the physical, emotional, social, spiritual, and cognitive responses to loss. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s grief experts today.
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One step in the right direction can start you on a new path! In a warm, welcoming office, we offer in-person or virtual therapy in the Sarasota area, and are only 20 mins from Bradenton or Venice, FL. We provide adult psychotherapy, counseling for children (ages 3 & up), teen therapy, family therapy, couples/marriage counseling, and a variety of group therapy options-- including a DBT Skills Group online or in-person for teens & families, adults, LGBTQ+, expressive mindful arts, and more.
Online Therapy
Does this sound familiar to you? You want to feel peaceful and content, but instead you are: overwhelmed by stress, totally burned out, or even debilitated by anxiety. It’s been hard for you to manage the emotional toll of constant demands. You can rarely find a moment to stop and catch your breath. Each day feels like you are being stretched a bit thinner and you wonder how much you have left to give. Life doesn’t have to go on this way.
Online Therapy
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