Brandi Starks
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNP-BC, CLCI offer flexible appointment options, in person at my cozy Houston, TX office or virtually in AZ, DE, GA, IA, KS, MT & TX.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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I work with people across the lifespan, including children as young as 7 and older adults. I provide both individual and family services, and my work tends to focus on trauma, anxiety, and/or depression. I know that my clients are the experts in their own experience, which combines with my own clinical expertise to create a unique treatment plan for each individual.
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"Vulnerable people are powerful people."- Amy Poehler. It can be hard to find places in life where we can simply just be. We often carry the weight of familial, relational, occupational, or societal pressures and expectations, leading us to feel as if we have lost ourselves or as if our wants, needs, and experiences do not matter. I look forward to helping my clients see their worth and work through mental health challenges.
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Many of my clients have been told they are “too much” and struggle with exhaustion as they attempt to meet the expectations of those around them while minimizing their own needs. My clients are looking to tame feelings of anxiety or depression that may come from difficulty focusing or staying grounded in relationships, parenting responsibilities, or relating to career/academic goals.