Megan Moss
Registered Mental Health Counselor Intern,Hi! My name is Megan. I'm a therapy intern specializing in working with the LGBTQIA+ and related communities. I see adults and adolescents.
Online Therapy
Every relationship comes with its fair share of issues. Navigating the complexities of life together is hard enough, but when you start to feel regularly distressed or hopeless, about your relationship, it may be time to seek professional help. No matter what your issues seem to stem from (disagreements about money, sex, stress, chronic illness, mental illness, infidelity, trust, emotional distance, parenting etc.), if you and your partner are arguing more frequently and experiencing feelings of resentment or contempt, it is likely that there are some underlying problems to address. Because many problems in relationships are a result of communication issues, a qualified mental health therapist can teach you to find new ways of talking to each other to help you find your way back to common ground. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s relationship and marriage issues experts today.
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The to-do list is never-ending and what’s done never feels quite enough. You are diligent about keeping on top of things and it’s gotten you pretty far. But, you find yourself asking “I’m running myself ragged for this?” Well, you are not alone. My clients are busy, professionals who feel stressed, anxious, and struggle with imposter syndrome. They seem put together on the outside but struggle with burnout and feeling like they are one step away from catastrophe.
Online Therapy
Even the "little" things feel overwhelming. Balancing work, relationships, and that inner voice that says you're not good enough is a constant struggle. Dealing with anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, or relationship distress can make you feel like you're losing control. Despite looking like you've got your shit together, you're plagued with self-doubt, irritability, and a sense of hopelessness, and it's hard to make lasting changes. To put it plainly, life feels exhausting.
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While I am open to working with clients from all populations, my ideal client is one who is open to and ready for change, realizing the current situation isn’t working. I have over 20 years of experience working with families and youth working for non-profit social welfare agencies.
Online Therapy
I work primarily with couples in varying levels of distress. If you have experienced infidelity, are in a relational crisis, struggle with a loss of connection, are enduring patterns of arguing which have exhausted you, or just feel hopeless in your relationship then I encourage you to reach out for help. Some areas for us to potentially work together on may include communication issues, a loss of intimacy, affairs, attachment struggles, trust, parenting, desire discrepancy, sex, and sexuality.
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