Susan Stader
Addictions Counselor, MS, LCMHC, LCAS, CCSMy clients are usually men in early recovery from substance use disorders and may have a dual diagnosis of anxiety or depression.
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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Most of my experience has been working with adults in recovery from substance use from a trauma informed perspective. I am very nonjudgemental, open minded, and have lots of experience doing harm reduction counseling with folks. I enjoy working with those who are legally involved. Additionally, with a background in outdoor education, camp counseling, and school counseling, I enjoy working with teens and adolescents as well and consider myself strong in this area.
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Welcome! I'm Frankie Wanger, and I'm here to help you work through life’s challenges. I offer a safe, non-judgmental space where you can explore your thoughts and emotions. Together, we’ll work through whatever is holding you back, and I’ll equip you with practical tools to help you move forward with confidence. I believe that healing is a partnership between us, and it’s important to me that you feel heard and supported.
I work with adult clients who find themselves feeling overwhelmed or stuck in unhealthy patterns and wanting to better understand themselves and build healthier relationships. I focus on exploring emotions, resolving issues from the past, and increasing self-awareness. I provide evidenced-based, multiculturally competent counseling. My client's enjoy learning more about themselves to make longer-lasting changes in their relationships with themselves and others.
Christine has extensive experience with trauma and is very interactive in-session with resources and activities. She assists patients dealing with anxiety, break-ups, healing from abuse or trauma, and negative self-talk. She has experience working with survivors of domestic violence, human trafficking, sexual violence, and children with behavioral concerns.
My clients are devoted professionals, parents, and caregivers. If you feel drained, overwhelmed, or like you're stuck simply going through the motions, you might be experiencing Burnout or Compassion Fatigue. Life gets so busy sometimes that self-care can seem difficult to add to an already long to-do list. I help people reclaim joy and experience greater satisfaction with their lives, using creative approaches in a fun and upbeat atmosphere.
Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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Macie sees individuals, couples & families feeling anxious, disrupted, stuck or held down by current or past trauma, depression, addiction, gender/sexuality issues or negative relational patterns. Folks in the LGBTIA+ community including trans or gender fluidity and straight community feel comfortable with Macie as she walks with clients seeking their own peace and positive way forward.
Do you have a heaviness that won't lift? No matter what you do, you can't get it (life, work, relationships, your faith, fill in the blank!) right and you're lost and frustrated. Anxious and depressed. You can't get things to budge even a little and mostly it just hurts. I get it - you're stuck and you can't find your way out. That's where I come in. I am here to help you find your path to peace, find your footing and move towards the life you want, the person you want to be.
We might be a good fit for working together if you're: An empath, wanderer, seeker, an artist, adventurer, existentialist -- one walking the road less traveled. People I've been of support to include: Those seeking to heal attachment wounds as they watch them arise in relationship; Digital nomads & adventurers needing virtual support; People navigating mid-life crisis or spiritual emergency; Those seeking to liberate themselves from the chains of trauma, consciously crafting a new future!
I am an experienced and highly qualified therapist with over 12 years of experience in providing therapy for anxiety, depression, and trauma. I am a LCMHC with a Master's in Counseling and extensive experience in evidence-based therapies. My clients are teachers, students, gender non-conforming, neurodiversity, and LGBTQ. I work with all faiths and have a background in working with spiritual and religious trauma.
My clients want to deepen their sense of self, build stronger relationships, recover from the impacts trauma, interrupt generational and collective trauma patterns, move through anxiety and depression, and find ways to navigate the state of the world while still finding joy, ease, love, belonging, and meaningful resistance to harmful systems. They have some aspect of their identity or experience that makes them feel different, and grapple to reconcile who they are with the world around them.
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You advocate for others. Who advocates for you? Equality, racial justice, the environment, peacemaking -- if you are working for any of these and you want more peace and understanding for yourself, then I want to help. I want to help you have peace with yourself and harmony and influence with others in your life, including family, friends, lovers, difficult comrades, and even those who might seem like adversaries.
My ideal client is interested in exploring themselves on a deeper level, are open to putting in the hard work that it takes to heal, and values humor and creativity. While working together your story will be held with respect and reverence. We will work together to bring to light all of the many parts of you. Some seen and others yet to be discovered. I intend to help you work towards integrating all of these parts of yourself to become a more whole and connected person.
While I am passionate about working with adolescents and young adults, I find my curiosity and bringing my silliness to sessions is a bridge to working with people of all ages! Through empathetic and nonjudgemental care, I can help guide you through your therapeutic goals while establishing new coping skills and patterns. If you have struggled to feel supported by traditional therapy in the past, we may be a good fit!
I am here to help people struggling with navigating a world that feels like it's not built for them. Whether it's working through gender/sexuality issues, trauma, or figuring out how to be in the world without drugs and alcohol, I work with folks to strengthen their own inner wisdom in order to walk through the world whole and confident with a sense of belonging.
My ideal client is...all genders ages 16 & up struggling with anxious and/or depressive symptoms, disordered eating/body image concerns, college related transitions, healthcare and/or veterinary professionals burnout, and mothers with perinatal and/or parenting concerns. We’re a good fit are curious about counseling but don’t know where to start and you are motivated for change and seeking compassionate, objective guidance about how to best move forward.
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When it comes to clientele, I enjoy working with, and most drawn to, those who are at a crossroads in life and are wanting to make a change. I best serve clients and couples who are looking for a trauma-informed, sex positive and affirming therapist who is open to all orientations and identities.
My clients come to me feeling stuck, overwhelmed or lost. They feel like something is wrong with them. They want to figure out how to function better and feel like they belong in the world and in their relationships (with partners, family, friends, colleagues). They experience anxiety, people-pleasing, and intense feelings of responsibility. Some suffer from Eldest Daughter syndrome. Many have experienced religious trauma/spiritual wounds that complicate their sense of self and ability to trust.
Enjoys learning. Curious about themselves. Often adjusting while experiencing big feelings. Motivated to partner in their healing plan.~~Maybe something happened. Maybe something is coming soon. Maybe seeking support while navigating back to the homes of themselves. ~~Please click below to schedule a session. You will be asked to enter information & select an appointment time. Also, call your insurance company to confirm your coverage. TYVM & I really look forward to connecting with you.
I enjoy blending my training as a therapist with queer neurodivergent lived experience to create a space that is affirming and accepting for my clients who often tell me that it is a relief to be able to speak freely about the facets of their identity without first having to educate me about the basics of these topics. Many clients have shared that previous therapists seemed too uptight or not transparent, and therefore enjoy the open and honest dialogue that we have in session.