Chuck Jones
Licensed Master of Social Work, Master of Social WorkI am licensed both in New Mexico and California, and I am accepting new clients via telehealth.
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Clients can expect to take away a deeper understanding and acceptance of their identity, improved sexual health, and trauma recovery. Through a safe, non-judgmental space, I help clients explore their sexuality, relationships, and personal traumas using modalities like EMDR and CPT. They will gain tools for self-love, overcome negative influences, and embrace their authentic selves without embarrassment, guilt, or shame.
I work with fat folx, LGBTQIA+ community, grief/loss, fertility struggles and pregnancy loss, relationship challenges, family dynamics - these are all near and dear to me. I'm a great fit for people who've been to therapy before (maybe many times) but feel the need to dig deeper.
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Aubrey Boom and Albuquerque Therapists specialize in Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Trauma, Intrusive thoughts, Relationship Issues, Family Struggles, and Life Coaching. Please reach out, we'd be honored to walk this portion of your life journey with you.