Ross Brown
Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner, PMHNPWe offer telehealth in OR, WA, AZ, MN, NM, and UT. In-office visits in Clackamas, OR / Layton and Lehi, UT available! Seattle visits soon.
Online Therapy
Feeling a certain level of anxiety over big stressors or certain life events is totally normal. However, if you find that your fear or worry does not go away and, in fact, gets worse over time, you may be suffering from an anxiety disorder. Mild anxiety is vague and unsettling and often passes quickly, while severe anxiety can seriously affect your day-to-day life. If you are finding your anxiety unmanageable, can’t identify the cause of your anxious feelings or if you are suffering from physical symptoms (such as heart palpations, fatigue, sweaty hands, upset stomach, or insomnia), it may be time to get help. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s anxiety specialists today.
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Even when you're ready to reach out for help, finding the right therapist can be quite daunting. If you've been thinking of reaching out for help and know it's time to address your challenges, we are here for you. We aim to help you address the root of the problem, for lasting solutions and relief. The best outcomes happen when trust is strong in the therapy relationship - we aim to earn that trust, and support you along your healing journey.
Online Therapy
I fix your shit. Relationship problems? Check. Feelings of stuckness? Check. Long term crap? Check. PTSD/Trauma? Check. Grief? Check. Guilt? Check. Get the picture? I practice a very unique and effective sort of psychotherapy. It is common for the client to experience significant results in a very short time, often 1-3 sessions. I’m $300/hour, don’t take insurance, and worth every penny. Want to find out? Get in touch.
Online Therapy
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Aubrey Boom and Albuquerque Therapists specialize in Depression, Anxiety, Addiction, Trauma, Intrusive thoughts, Relationship Issues, Family Struggles, and Life Coaching. Please reach out, we'd be honored to walk this portion of your life journey with you.
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