Nicole Williams
Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist,Hi! I'm Nicole Williams, LMFT! I am a sex positive, LGBTQIA+ affirmative and BDSM/Kink-Aware therapist.
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I work with individuals, couples, and families. I specialize in working with couples, trauma, anxiety, depression, substance abuse, and working with those with interracial, intercultural, and interreligious backgrounds. I have worked with couples around grief, betrayals, intimacy, and communication. I look at culture and other relevant contexts to help understand where your experiences may be coming from. Please take a look at my services page for more details and specific treatment services.
Are you stuck in a cycle of thought patterns or behaviors that are harming your well-being? Do you feel anxious, ashamed, disconnected, or depressed, and wish you could break away from these patterns? Do you find yourself daydreaming about what life would be like if you weren’t so caught up in this struggle? Many people are struggling to manage their relationships, careers, and lives during these uncertain times. You are not alone, and I am here to help.
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Many clients come to me feeling stuck in unsatisfying relationships. They crave deeper connections with partners, parents, or other important figures, but despite expressing their needs, nothing seems to change. They often find themselves caught in cycles of frustration, vowing not to get angry or to "just let things go," only to feel overwhelmed again. Emotions like anxiety, anger, and sadness can feel unmanageable, and they may be triggered by small or unexpected events.
I help overthinkers and overachievers who struggle with chronic self-doubt and loneliness, including problems with anxiety/worry, depression, and PTSD/trauma. Using personalized, evidence-based psychotherapy, I help my clients work through their difficult pasts and deepest insecurities, so they can more completely understand and accept themselves, connect with other people more authentically, and learn to navigate the rest of their lives with a greater sense of calm, clarity, and confidence.
If you have a desire for meaningful & lasting change that comes from deep within, let's talk. My clients are diverse & unique, but most seek me out when their intuition tells them it's time to face the unknowns that have hindered their efforts to become the best version of themselves. Grounded by our safe and authentic therapeutic relationship, my clients feel able to move through trauma & stuck places, and into inner liberation & healing they can take into daily life.
An ideal client would be someone who is empathetic toward others and compassionate toward themselves and is open, coachable, and capable of accepting feedback. The process of therapy takes time and energy so having someone start the process of therapy with an open mind and a willingness to put in the work to see the process through is also helpful. Jennifer also offers clinical supervision to associates registered with the Board of Behavioral Sciences (AMFT, PCC, ASW).