Dr. Brian Curtis
Clinical Psychologist, PhD, DBSMIf you’re struggling with chronic insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early), I can help!
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The therapists, counselors, social workers and psychologists below treat common issues such as depression, anxiety, loss, relationship issues and trauma. Performing an advanced search will allow you to filter for therapists that have specialized experience and training in more modern areas such as non-monogamy, body-positivity, racial justice, queer-competency and more.
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I help clients who are experiencing gender dysphoria, anxiety, self-criticism and shame, who are wanting to challenge their inner critic and show compassion toward every part of themselves. I love helping clients deconstruct shame and develop shame resilience in order to build empathy and compassion for themselves.
Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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I work with individuals struggling with depression, anxiety, post traumatic stress, mood disorders, self-esteem, LGBTQ+ issues, grief, and adjustment/life transitions. I celebrate diversity and hope to create a space where each person feels comfortable to show up as they are. If you are someone that feels ready to create goals, explore areas for change, and step outside of your comfort zone at times, I really hope we have the chance to work together soon!
Are you ready to hear hard truths about yourself, engage in uncomfortable conversations, and come to terms with difficult realities? Ready to break out of the boxes that limit your ability to reach full potential and live a fulfilled life? Is your relationship boring, fractured, or come to an end and you're having to co-parent? Are you engaged and looking for a robust premarital experience? I work with individuals and couples in all of these areas in both secular and spiritual realms.
Have you hit a wall? Do you feel like everything you have tried isn't working? Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by our situation that it's hard to fathom any solution. My role is to be the neutral party that can objectively look at your struggle and help you develop the tools you need to reach a resolution. My ideal clients reflect on our discussions between sessions, engage in behavior change, have a sense of humor, and are willing to do the work.
Have you been holding it all together for far too long? Maybe you have different faces you show each part of your world and none of them really feel right anymore. You might be experiencing symptoms of anxiety or depression or have trauma that has gone unaddressed. And, you're looking for a place to put all of that down. To figure out how the what worked in the past to survive is keeping you from the life you want to live. To live into who you are in a more real and authentic manner.
Are you feeling sad, lacking energy, and feeling like something is wrong all of the time? Has your mood been up and down and you've found it As a client you will have a comfortable safe space to share freely without judgment. You can discuss substance use and if and why that might have increased for you recently. You can discuss any recent stressful life changes resulting in increased anxiety or depression. You can talk about sadness, fear, regret, and the feelings of all shapes and sizes.
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