Autism Spectrum Disorder

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a developmental disorder, typically emerging in childhood, which affects a patient’s ability to effectively socialize, solve problems and communicate. Some people with ASD need a lot of help in their daily lives while others need less. Therapists qualified in the treatment of Autism spectrum disorder can also help to diagnose it, as well as work with the individual on their social skills, help them learn to control emotions and address repetitive behaviors, among other things. If you or your child has received a diagnosis of Autism (or you suspect one may be forthcoming), contact one of our specialists today for support.

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Autism Spectrum Disorder Clinical Specialist (ASDCS)

— Benjamin Lyons, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in Chicagio, IL

In the UK, I had a clinical placement at a Specialist Asperger's Syndrome Service in which I provided post-diagnostic counseling to individuals diagnosed with Aspergers/ASD/ASC to help them come to understand their diagnosis and to better navigate the impact of their difference upon their lives. I also have significant experience supporting the partners of persons with Aspergers/ASD/ASC.

— Melanie Chitwood will be out of office & unavailable 5/24 through 6/4/2024., Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in ,

I help adults who have (or who suspect they have) high-functioning autism.

— Joanna Russell, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in for anxiety, ADHD, neurodivergence, LGBTQIA+, and more,

I work with neurodivergent individuals to help them accept and celebrate their differences while learning how to navigate a world that largely caters to neurotypical people.

— Mariah Masell, Social Worker in Grand Rapids, MI

I approach autism from a neurodivergence-affirming perspective. The way our society has traditionally presented autism is only one of many ways autistic people can present. I have completed a variety of trainings on autism, including trainings on neurodivergence-affirming diagnosis and on autistic women. I am also an active participant in autistic community, listening to the lived experience of autistic adults.

— Krista Cain, Licensed Mental Health Counselor

As an autistic therapist I bring modern research as well as lived experience to bring to helping adults on the spectrum or those who are suspecting they are tools and insight to navigate a world that is not built for them but can be rebuilt to nurture and provide relief. I can provide support and guidance in navigating complicated feelings about disability and neurodivergence as well as assistance with the day to day struggles and joys of being autistic in a allistic world.

— Jade Huggins, Social Worker

I help clients who identify (either via past diagnosis or self-diagnosed) as neurodiverse, including individuals on the autism spectrum, highly sensitive individuals, and those form whom their senses and processing are heightened. If an individual is desiring additional assessment, I can help provide referrals. I can also help your partner or loved one understand more about how to support you.

— Cat Salemi, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in ,

I provide neuro-affirming care for anyone who identifies as neurodivergent (for example, autistic, ADHD, dyslexic, or OCD neurotypes). This work may focus on personal identity, healing from harmful interventions experienced in childhood, burnout, masking, or relationships, but most importantly we will focus on whatever feels most helpful to you.

— Jonathan Benko, Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Santa Cruz, CA

I have spent a large portion of my career working with individuals who are on the Autism Spectrum and their families. Even if individual therapy is not the right level of care I have a variety of resources and am happy to work with the family in supporting their needs.

— Ashley Forster, Licensed Professional Counselor in Katy, TX

I am an Autistic therapist who practices neurodivergence affirming care. I can assist with unmasking, navigating accommodations, self acceptance and more.

— Kaitlin Doran, Clinical Psychologist

Autism is often followed with a stigma of having a disability, but there are so many strengths that come with being Autistic. Let me help you learn how to showcase your strength and better communicate with others by using restorative communication techniques and other types of communication. I also do not require you to get an official diagnosis in order to recognize your Autistic traits. We can go over the pros and cons of getting a diagnosis and we will discuss what a diagnosis means for you

— Diana Kafoure, LMHCA, Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor Associate in Indianapolis, IN

I have many years of experience working with neurodiversity in children, teens, and adults. This includes adults who did not receive a diagnosis until adulthood. Whatever your goals related to neurodiversity, I am here to support and help you achieve them. 

— Ashley Forster, Licensed Professional Counselor in Katy, TX

I have over 15 years of experience navigating the complexities of autism and sexuality. In many ways, this is its own specialized area of care due to the unique sensory sensitivities, mathematical cognitive patterns, and struggles navigating social dynamics. I work with autistic adults to build communication strategies, which are especially important when one partner is neurotypical. In these cases, my therapy approach is to foster active communication and building clarity in relationships.

— Ben Snyder, Clinical Social Worker in Minneapolis, MN

Late diagnosis can bring about many difficult feelings including grief. Through work on unmasking and identity, my hope is to support you in beginning to live life authentically and in a way that creates safety in previously difficult situations.

— Sharon Aguilar, Art Therapist in Dallas, TX

Navigating a world that often feels out of sync with your needs is exhausting. Your therapy should feel like a sanctuary, not another source of stress. We will prioritize your comfort, well-being, and autonomy every step of the way as you undertake your journey towards authenticity and fulfilling relationships. (Eye contact is not required and stimming/movement is always welcome!)

— Hannah Smith, Counselor in , NC

Needs are hard to understand when society has decided what's appropriate and what's not ahead of time. Autistics can feel misunderstood and too much which can shut them down. I can help you learn to recognize your needs and how to advocate for them.

— Ikenna Lughna, Mental Health Counselor

I work with many neurodivergent clients to help empower them to live a life that accommodates them and helps them thrive. I have lived experience as a neurodivergent person, so I am able to easily connect and relate. Nearly all the clients I work with identify on the ND spectrum, including ASD, AuDHD, and ADHD. I am invigorated by my work with my fantastic ND clients. They appreciate the attention I pay to their language and the ways in which they conceptualize themselves.

— Caitlin Miller, Counselor in Chicago, IL

I enjoy working with autistic and neurodiverse folks. My approach is a strength based approach and together we can explore and validate your inner experiences. The goal for me is not to help you conform to “neurotypical expectations”. It is to help explore your authentic self. I also conduct a group with adults who identify as queer and neurodivergent.

— Cynthia Brown, Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor