Kristin Bonesio-Simpson
Licensed Professional Counselor, LPC, ATRAs a Licensed ProfessionaI Counselor and Registered Art Therapist, I commit to creating a safe space where all clients will be supported.
Online Therapy
Every relationship comes with its fair share of issues. Navigating the complexities of life together is hard enough, but when you start to feel regularly distressed or hopeless, about your relationship, it may be time to seek professional help. No matter what your issues seem to stem from (disagreements about money, sex, stress, chronic illness, mental illness, infidelity, trust, emotional distance, parenting etc.), if you and your partner are arguing more frequently and experiencing feelings of resentment or contempt, it is likely that there are some underlying problems to address. Because many problems in relationships are a result of communication issues, a qualified mental health therapist can teach you to find new ways of talking to each other to help you find your way back to common ground. Reach out to one of TherapyDen’s relationship and marriage issues experts today.
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Are you wanting a better relationship but just do not know where to begin? Sometimes when a couple just verbalize each others perspectives, hearing something new may change how they interact and move forward. Having new tools to communicate and see your relationship help tremendously.
Online Therapy
Receive counseling and therapy for mental health conditions remotely with clinically proven positive results. Skyler Health’s licensed and experienced therapists are available daily to help you with a range of issues including depression, anxiety, trauma, PTSD, ADHD, grief, withdrawal, medication titration counseling and more. With our therapists, you get the same professionalism and quality that you would expect from an in-office therapist, but with the ability to communicate when you want.
Online Therapy
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