Nancy Masters

Accepting Clients

We offer telehealth in OR, WA, AZ, MN, NM, and UT. In-office visits in Clackamas, OR / Layton and Lehi, UT available! Seattle visits soon.

Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner in Clackamas, OR

About My Clients

She has more than 10 years of experience and specializes in treating patients with depression, anxiety, ADHD, bipolar and sleep disorders, as well as patients in the LGBTQIA+ community with care needs related to gender dysphoria/transgender-related mental health care.

How We Can Help You

Intakes available every week with valued providers. Skycloud Mental Health is a clinical placement site for Yale School of Nursing students. We are accepting new patients for medication management via telehealth in OR, WA, AZ, MN, UT, and NM. In-person visits are available near Portland, OR, with offices in Seattle, WA and Salt Lake City, UT coming soon! Go to and click Schedule Now to register for an appointment. Alternatively, you can call (503) 694-3381, extension 2, to register and schedule over the phone. We are available for single-case agreements with Kaiser. Contact our practice for more info. There is a therapy waitlist available on our website.

Insurance Plans Accepted
  • Aetna
  • Cigna
  • First Choice Health
  • MODA
  • PacificSource
  • Premera
  • Providence Health Plan
  • Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield
  • United Behavioral Health (UBH)
I offer online counseling in the following states:

At A Glance

  • Experience: 10 years of practice


5036943381 Email Nancy
13568 SE 97th Ave Suite 202
Clackamas, OR 97015

Reach out to Nancy