Dr. Brian Curtis
Clinical Psychologist, PhD, DBSMIf you’re struggling with chronic insomnia (i.e., difficulty falling asleep, staying asleep, or waking up too early), I can help!
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On the journey through life we move through an ever changing landscape. We encounter both predictable challenges precipitated by typical life cycle events as well as the unpredictable and unexpected. Sometimes we veer off course, lose our way or hit a road block. Lifecycle Therapy provides the guidance needed to try a new path and find our way forward again. http://www.lifecycletherapyt.net
Are you tired of feeling anxious, insecure, depressed, distractable, ashamed, or unfulfilled? Is your relationship(s) unsatisfying or non-existent? Are you exhausted from trying to please everyone? You can change your feelings, yourself, and your life! There is hope. If you have complex problems that require complex solutions, if you need a therapist who can "keep up" with you, if you want a therapist who "gets it" and understands your specific needs, you're in the right place.
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Looking to help clients who are open, interested, and have a willingness to grow. My clients are often struggling with family dynamics and relationship dynamics. My clients are seeking to understand their behaviors better and learn more about how they can cope differently in life. If you are feeling lost, like your emotions and thoughts control you consider Crystal River Counseling to assist you within realizing your full potential and empowering you to live a life with authenticity.