About My Clients
Larger women are plagued with beliefs like “I’m fat/ugly/disgusting and unloveable. It’s not even worth trying to be happy.” We get ghosted, shamed, and ignored - it’s SO HARD to feel good about ourselves. Size is always an issue. It’s in the too-small waiting room chairs, being passed up for promotions, in our self-consciousness while having sex. We feel not good enough, unimportant, and destined to die alone. And this is not just in our heads - we get these messages from the world constantly.
My Background and Approach
I’m Stephanie Lessmeier (she/her). I work with adults that feel like shit when they see their double chin in the mirror, would rather cancel than sit in a flimsy chair at a new restaurant, and dread being seen naked during sex. Feeling seen? I am a fat woman in a fatphobic world, so I get what it’s like. I bet you’re -Pretty self-judgy when (IF!) you look at yourself naked -Getting preoccupied with your body during sex -Having trouble feeling connected to your body -Avoiding new experiences -Downplaying your needs because you’re scared of being rejected I can bet this because I’ve also been pummelled by fatphobia. I truly get it. I’ve done my own work to recover and I have learned how to fucking thrive as a fat woman. I use evidence-based practices like HAES (Health at Every Size), EMDR (I'm certified!), and DBT. All of this stuff working together is freaking awesome: an anti-diet approach, tons of skills to help you level up, and resolving the pain of our past crappy experiences.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
You deserve a vibrant life without having to change your body. Pant size and productivity do not equal worth. I actively align with the Health at Every Size philosophy - fat is not the opposite of health. I'm queer and support the LGBTQ+ community. Trans and non-binary folx, this is a safe space. Black lives matter to me. I’m trauma-informed and trauma-trained (and certified in EMDR). I want you to feel comfortable in your skin, heal your shit, be your most authentic self, and fucking thrive. We are worthy and enough, and we all deserve to see ourselves as such.