Lisa Galles
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor,Ready to find clarity and confidence in 2025?
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Are you experiencing feelings of heaviness and overwhelm? Is your relationship on the rocks and plagued with conflict? Our practice helps people learn how to cope with pain and discomfort, and move towards healing and connection. Our goal is to empower you to feel brave enough to do the hard work of understanding and making sense of your pain and your past. We will provide you with the experience of being heard, walking through your story and finding peace.
My style is warm and empathic, yet I can be challenging when it is needed in order to achieve growth. I have an eclectic approach to treatment, but tend to draw from relational and cognitive behavioral approaches in order to design a specialized treatment plan based on your unique needs.
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My clients battle with a range of issues: identity, depression, anxiety, life transitions, communication, self-esteem, trauma, shame/guilt, personality. Clients describe me as a "direct" therapist, meaning, I am able to empathically tell them the truth or assist them in holding themselves accountable for what they are trying to change. A strong therapeutic relationship is the basis for treatment success; therefore, I strive to be my authentic self in forming therapeutic relationships.
Over the past 29 years, I have provided telehealth & in-office counseling services to adolescents & adults. My experiences have ranged from clinical & program administration to individual/group/family therapy & psychological testing. Diagnoses treated include PTSD, sports performance (professional and amateur), chronic mental health issues, medical-psychiatric issues, chemical dependency, chronic health conditions, & general mood dysfunction.
My clients are usually involved in court cases, e.g. sex offense or child abuse allegations (true or false allegations), child custody evaluations (social studies), family law cases, immigration cases, including need for domestic violence or extreme hardship evaluations or Adam Walsh evaluations. I also do a limited amount of treatment of sex offenders and others with mental health needs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area. Our character is not defined by bad decisions made in our worst moments.