Dr. Jasmonae Joyriel
Clinical Psychologist, PsyD, LPI tackle the topics that most are too uncomfortable to discuss, and I believe you shouldn't have to MacGyver your way through life.
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Being human is often tough. Sometimes we lose our way and can feel stuck and overwhelmed. Sometimes we would like to change parts of our lives or ourselves but don’t know how. Therapy can be an empowering way to promote healing, growth, and wellness. Often, we initially seek treatment to address a specific concern and then begin to uncover other areas of our lives in which we want to make meaningful change. My goal is for this process to feel supportive, affirming, and appropriately challenging.
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I specialize in premarital, marital, and relationship counseling in all stages of life. My clients are seeking support for a struggling marriage or simply want guidance to strengthen their connection. I also work with adults and teens (14+) facing individual struggles such as anxiety, depression, and low self-esteem to develop healthy coping skills, set boundaries and improve overall mental health. Ideally, my clients are looking for a freeing and transformative journey to a happier life.
Seeking therapy may be a daunting or uncomfortable first step, but it is a courageous one. I understand the sensitivity and vulnerability that comes with seeking help, and I commend you for taking this important step toward growth and healing. Investing in yourself and your relationship through therapy is an invaluable decision that can lead to a deeper connection and a more fulfilling partnership.
While I specialize in treating anxiety in children and adolescents, I have extensive experience in treating and managing a variety of disorders, including OCD, phobias, ADHD, autistic spectrum disorders, and oppositional behaviors. When treating children, I primarily use a family-based approach and particularly enjoy working with families to help them find ways to more positively interact with their children. I also have experience and enjoy working with adults who are struggling with anxiety.
Are you 'successful' on paper, yet struggle to find fulfillment in life, battling that constant, nagging feeling of not being 'good enough'? Do you want to improve self-care but feel guilty when setting healthy boundaries? Do you often replay conversations in your head, worrying about how you came across? You're not alone--and I'm here to help. Together, we’ll work to unlock your full potential in your personal life, relationships, and career. You can achieve a more purposeful and balanced life!
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