Alexa Levine (she/her)

Accepting Clients

Motherhood is Tough, Especially Without Your Own Mom to Help.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in Palo Alto, CA


About My Clients

You already have a difficult relationship with your own mom, and now you’re becoming a mom yourself. In my practice, I help moms who feel inadequate find confidence and peace in motherhood while working through deep rooted painful relationships they have with their own mothers. My clients often feel trapped and alone, surrounded by toxic social media posts promoting "loving and enjoying every moment of motherhood" and a partner who wants to help, but doesn't provide the support my clients need.

My Background and Approach

My clients also struggle with the relationships they have with their own mothers and recognize the huge impact this has on them during pregnancy, postpartum, and parenting. When they first come in, my clients feel at fault for not mothering in the way they want. They feel like they are not good enough and that their skills as a parent are not consistent with their own high standards they meet in other areas of their lives. They feel like they are failing as their experience feels so much different than those around them and what’s presented on social media. They know they should not compare themselves to what they see on instagram, but they find it impossible not to. Their feelings of inadequacy as a daughter, partner and mother get in the way of the life they want

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

Like my current clients, you deserve to find freedom from shame and resentment. If you want to be the Mom you always hoped you would be and work through your own relationship with your mom, I’d love to help you get there. Call me today. You don't have to go through this alone. I can help!

I have experience with the following
  • Judaism

At A Glance

  • Experience: 7 years of practice
  • Rate: $225/session

Reach out to Alexa