About My Clients
My clients come from all walks of life. My favorite clients are those who are initially skeptical of therapy. Overtime you come to see that I am not interested in telling you what to do or how to live your life. Therapy is a journey we go on together where you are safe to talk about your struggles. I never judge or push you in a direction you are not comfortable with. The goal of therapy is to process whatever you have going on and to take positive steps in the direction that you choose.
My Background and Approach
Clients report that I am in-depth and practical. I am experienced in a variety of theoretical approaches and I am always goal-oriented. Some clients need to explore their family of origin and process big questions like death and the meaning of life. Other clients need help formulating specific goals to manage their OCD or depression. If you need a place to process your traumatic history or to devise an action plan to move forward in a relationship, I may be the right therapist for you. My approach is a version of psychodynamic coaching. It is psychodynamic in the sense that I help you understand the underlying connections behind whatever is bothering you. It is coaching because I use solution-focused questions to help you get unstuck from the problem and take incremental steps in the direction you want to be heading in. It is important you feel we are collaborating together in therapy. I am here to help you help yourself. You are the expert of your own life.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe anyone can benefit from therapy. Life is difficult and often unfair. We’ve all experienced hardships or traumas that have impacted us in a million different ways. It is easy to become jaded and lose hope. Therapy can be a safe space where human suffering is translated into healing speech. Sometimes what you really need is a place you can share your baggage without being dismissed or condemned. My years in therapy helped me to realize that therapy can be the one place that all the various parts of you- the good, the bad and the ugly, are not only allowed but even welcomed. Good and bad are not the best words to describe us. We are hurt and confused. Our life is often a disaster. This word comes from the Latin “dis” (separate) and “astrum” (star). We tend to walk around divorced from our guiding star. In the modern world this means we need help reconnecting with our inner authority. As a therapist I am interested in helping people recover their internal GPS.