Christine Treski (she/her)

Accepting Clients

I am Licensed Therapist accepting new clients for online therapy

Psychotherapist in Washington

About My Clients

I have over 10 years experience working with adults, adolescents, and families.

My Background and Approach

I am a collaborative therapist and tend to be very interactive with my clients during sessions. I like to use education, I like to have specific goals we are working toward, and I often encourage clients to make changes in their lives. Change is a process that begins with self-awareness, insight, and self-esteem. I am a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and have extensive training and experience in evidenced based therapies.

I offer online counseling in the following states:

At A Glance

  • Experience: 14 years of practice
  • Languages: English
  • Rate: $80 - 200/session

Reach out to Christine