About My Clients
My practice, Friendly Psychology, LLC, focuses on supporting those navigating finding their voice in a system that would rather they stay silent, including women, trans/nonbinary folks, and folks in queer and BIPOC communities. I was a university counseling center clinician for 13 years, and I still have a passion for working with students, as well as other adults experiencing transitions and periods of growth. I love exploring the intersection of internal identity and external relationships.
My Background and Approach
Therapy with me is collaborative: I will not sit back and nod, nor will I give you advice about what to do. Instead, we will work together to explore your concerns and help you move towards your goals. I bring empathy and compassion to my work, with the goal of creating a safe space for us to collaborate. After all, change is hard! I believe that wellness (or lack thereof) is strongly linked to the repetitive patterns we create in our relationships to others, and I seek to understand these patterns as a means of increasing wellbeing. The good news is, that means that we can use the relationship we co-create in therapy to help us help you! I also strongly believe that effective therapy must acknowledge the impact of systems of power and oppression on the struggles we all face. Lastly, I value you as an equal in the therapy process ~ I bring therapeutic expertise, but only you are the expert on your experiences. Licensed Clinical Psychologist since 2012 Website:
My Values as a Therapist
I believe that everyone deserves to be heard, seen, and valued. My goal is to create a therapy space in which you feel free to be your authentic, truthful, whole self without fear of judgment. I value self-exploration and taking accountability for one's life and choices while simultaneously calling out and working to dismantle the systems that hold us down and make us feel small and unworthy of love. I am committed to my own growth and am always working to take accountability for my own privilege and blind spots, including regularly seeking out training and resources around anti-racism work and trans/non-binary/gender affirming care. I am also a massive nerd and a particular super-fan of Doctor Who (although I won't judge you if you have never watched it!). I believe in the power of connection between people, and that relationships are the key to a fulfilling and meaningful life!