Carl Jensen

Licensed Professional Counselor

" as varied as human individuals. Treat every patient as individual as possible...

Licensed Professional Counselor in Portland, OR

About My Clients

the solution of the problem is always an individual one," wrote CG Jung. We can address whatever is causing you distress, including social or interpersonal behavior patterns that have not been working, or family of origin issues. I will help you to assimilate and integrate the problems, and/or otherwise painful emotions. Together we will help you move toward psychological wholeness and spiritual integrity.

My Background and Approach

I have over 25 years experience treating family of origin issues, interpersonal dynamics, chemical dependency and early recovery, and many other mental health problem areas. My approach to therapy is humanistic and client-centered. I value each person as an individual. I will work collaboratively with you to nurture and support the healing and changes you envision for yourself.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

We can also address treatment through the lens of being a spiritual problem. This kind of inner work, or transpersonal therapy, includes a focus on dreams which can provide unique guidance specific to you. This approach can also involve identifying archetypal energies, and astrological dynamics, that are related to present day concerns.

I have experience with the following
  • Agnosticism
  • Atheism
  • Buddhism
  • Christianity
  • Hinduism

At A Glance

  • Experience: 34 years of practice
  • Rate: $95 - 110/session


541-583-0261 Email Carl
2705 E. Burnside
Portland, OR 97214

Reach out to Carl