About My Clients
We all experience key moments that shape who we are as individuals: some of those moments are positive, others are traumatic. Whether from an unhealthy family that you grew up in, experiencing violence through a commitment to serve your city or country, or finding yourself in a relationship that makes you feel small, these experiences result in lack of trust, panic, and feelings of not being good enough. Our work together helps to move through painful experiences and amplify the empowering.
My Background and Approach
Growing up in communist-Romanian, with a background as a professional athlete, and counterterroism-officer in the Romanian Intelligence Service, I know what it is like to grow up hungry, overcome performance anxiety, witness extreme acts of violence, and need to create compartments to house painful experiences. Now, I am a student at Fuller Theological Seminary studying Marriage and Family Therapy, bringing my focus of healing trauma into better understanding how painful-experiences influence who we are in relationship to others.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
I believe that people are far more resilient than they may ever realize. We have the ability to shed the defenses that have been built to help us feel safe but prevent us from operating authentically in the world. I believe every person has unique gifts and beauty that is waiting to be tapped-into, appreciated, and shared.