About My Clients
In the face of significant uncertainty and instability, we are all trying to figure out who we are and how we want to be in the world. If you or a loved one is trying to feel more joyful, motivated, organized, peaceful, or connected, then therapy can help. It takes a lot of courage to open yourself up to exploration and growth, and now you finally have the time and space to pour into yourself. You are here because you want to experience hope and empowerment.
My Background and Approach
We will assess your symptoms, strengths, and overall functioning during the first month or so of treatment, and then collaboratively create a personalized treatment plan based on your needs and goals. Most of our clients see a gradual lifting of symptoms within the first few months and sustained improvement thereafter.
My Personal Beliefs and Interests
We deeply value collaborative care and strive to allow space where you can show up authentically to honor your own unique story and wisdom by feeling completely seen, heard, and supported through all of your challenges.