About My Clients
The fact that you are reading this page says a great deal about you. You have recognized that you have great potential, and you are also hopeful that through the counseling journey, you will find solace. I am not the expert on your life; you are. However, I will work to meet you where you are, and make you feel heard, seen, and cared for. Together, we will help you get to where you want to be and achieve your goals.
My Background and Approach
I believe anxiety, anger, depression, fear, poor self-esteem, and self-harming behaviors can be signs of trauma. With a trauma-informed lens, my knowledge and training in the nervous system, polyvagal theory, and other related fields, I have the skill set to help my clients. I use different kind of modalities such as CBT, IFS, TA, and I am trained in EMDR and certified in ART.