Samantha Gennuso (she/her)

Accepting Clients

I help you get to the heart of healing shame to end painful cycles of self-hate, addiction and relational turmoil to finally feel at peace.

Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist in San Francisco, CA

About My Clients

I understand the pain of feeling stuck, like things will never change. Are you struggling with self-destructive behaviors that make reaching goals seem impossible? Does a true, stable sense of who you are seem like a distant idea? I specialize in working with self-loathing, judgment of self/other, addictions & attachment wounding. Therapy allows us to dismantle beliefs, ideas and fears that inform our lives and relationships. I work extensively with the inner child because they really need love.

My Background and Approach

If you are struggling to make a change that is long overdue, I can help explore what is keeping you stuck. You might know exactly what you "should" do, or why you are feeling this way, yet your intellect and genuine desire to change haven't been enough. Maybe you’ve endured an obvious trauma, or maybe your anxiety and pain are entangled with an identity, addiction or past hurt you just can't seem to reckon with. Some of us are predisposed to certain types of relationship patterns, substances and behaviors. But that doesn't mean we are pre-destined for them. I use somatic and cognitive approaches to explore what you believe and why, and in a safe container, start to dismantle the things you don't need. If you are wondering, 'But HOW do I LOVE myself?' don't worry about that now. This comes with supportive, earnest exploration, along with relational tools, a sound appraisal of what you value and desire, and ultimately a return to feeling of whole-ness.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

I believe that human beings are inherently good, and that we all carry some type of unconscious burden – whether from family or other life experiences — that can be healed when we bring them into consciousness. Feeling seen and supported by your therapist is essential, and can make all the difference in how deeply you are able to explore the dynamics you would like to change. I am a person who stutters and my life experience has been SUPER informed by this divergence from most peoples' experience. I don't expect anyone to be defined by their experience or even disability. But it does change us. Having training in Eastern yoga and tantric traditions, I believe there is deep healing in channeling the body-mind connection through somatic practices and utilize mindfulness interventions with my clients. I support recovery of all types and am familiar with healing that is available through Refuge Recovery and the 12 steps, among others.

I offer online counseling in the following states:

At A Glance

  • Experience: 4 years of practice
  • Languages: English
  • Rate: $200/session


(415) 639-5024 Email Samantha
862 Folsom St.
3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA 94107

Reach out to Samantha