Jerry Wheeler (He/him/his)

Accepting Clients

You want something to change, but don't know where to begin. I'm here to help when you're ready.

Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in Westfield, IN

About My Clients

Maybe it's how you feel: Sometimes your thoughts and feelings try to get in the way of moving toward what's meaningful. Maybe it's how your relationship feels: Sometimes communication patterns can erode trust and commitment, leaving your bond damaged or broken. Maybe you're haunted by your past: Like broken glass, many traumatic memories can be fragmented and jagged, stored in your mind and body, emotionally wounding you over and over again, until you're left dejected and exhausted... or alone.

My Background and Approach

Here's how I help: Understanding Internal 'Stuff': The thoughts, feelings, emotions, stories, and sensations that try to prevent movement toward what's meaningful to you. Navigating External 'Stuff': The conflict that lives in the space between committed people that erodes trust and commitment, preventing movement toward the bond. Resolving Traumatic Memory: Intense emotionally charged fragments in mind & body disrupting daily life and relationships. We're wounded in relationships... and we're healed in relationships. Let me help.

My Personal Beliefs and Interests

Here's what I believe: Things can be different. You can effect change in your life, on the inside and on the outside. You can feel better AND get better. You can move toward what's meaningful to you. I'm here when you're ready.

Insurance Plans Accepted
  • Aetna
  • Cigna

At A Glance

  • Experience: 5 years of practice
  • Languages: English
  • Rate: $145 - 195/session


317-763-2049 Email Jerry
223 Jersey Street
Yellow Key Collaborative
Westfield, IN 46074

Reach out to Jerry